Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sagittis id
consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar elementum. Mauris nunc congue
nisi vitae suscipit. Lorem sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet
enim tortor. Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus
nisl tincidunt eget. Tristique magna sit amet purus gravida quis
blandit turpis cursus. Diam ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate eu.
Congue eu consequat ac felis donec et odio pellentesque.
- Client #1
- Client #2
- Client #3
Višegodišnje iskustvo i različite ekspertize objedinjene u regionalnom policy timu osiguravaju kapacitet Upbeat Hub u provođenju niza servisa koji se nude kao podrška klijentima u kreiranju solucija i inoviranju proizvoda. Servise nudimo regionalnim branch offices korporacija, preduzećima, javnim institucijama, lokalnim upravama, međunarodnim i nacionalnim nevladinim organizacijama.
Workshops za kreiranje i unapređenje solucija
Organizujemo ko-kreativne radionice koje se, zavisno od potrebe klijenata koji investiraju u kreiranje održivih rješenja i proizvoda, mogu organizovati kao lokalni, nacionalni ili regionalne višednevni workshopovi.
Namjena servisa može biti razrada upotrebe proizvoda, rješenje za servis u odnosu na potrebe zajednice ili razvoj lokalne ekonomije i socijalnog preduzetništva. Za potrebe organizacije, Upbeat Hub ima razvijenu saradnju sa nizom organizacija civilnog društva u regonu sa kojima smo u prilici da okupimo mlade različitih profila koji bi učestvovali na radionicama. Podijeljeni u timove, oni se metodološki vode do izrade solucija koje se na kraju pitchuju pred klijentima.
Capacity building
Pojedinačna ekspertiza članova tima omogućavaju zainteresovanim klijentima da ih koriste u razvoju vlastitih i kapaciteta svojih ciljnih grupa. Ova ekspertiza odnosi se na razvoj poslovnih vještina i kompetencija, Co-Creative design solution treninge, podrška u izrada internih akata i uspostavljanje menadžmenta na EU projektima, inoviranje strateških planova.
Regional Team

Deniz Hoti
Social Designer. Entrepreneur. Youth leader
Executive Director of Connecting – Career Development and Youth Entrepreneurship Organization.
With more than 9 years of experience in the civil sector in Serbia as a consultant in the areas of public advocacy, social innovation and fundraising;
Awarded expert for designig an educational program “When I grow up …” (II place at the national competition of good practices in the field of career guidance and counseling in 2017 – Euroguidance Center Serbia).
He worked as a trainer with children and young people, adults, institutions, primary and secondary schools, CSOs, cultural institutions and companies. Together with them, he designed a learning experience for more than 1,500 people from 12 different countries. In his free time, he works on starting organizations and social businesses. He is the founder of Connecting.
He is in love with Design Thinking and knows how to make a beer.

Marija Mihajloska Jankulovska
Business developer. Outsourcing. Social entrepreneurship and Innovation
Her academic background involves Specialization in economic diplomacy.
BA diploma in Business Communication in English, Master’s degree candidacy in
Economic diplomacy as well as numerous national and international academies,
training, seminars and conferences.
Over 7 years’ experience as national consultant in the fields of entrepreneurship
and business concepts; over 4 years international experience within Risalat
Consultants international, working on challenging international projects in
developing and delivering training curricula: Leadership in the future investments training program; Over 4 years successful partnership with Certiport
– national license holder for conducting training and certification in MOS for
Microsoft office specialists.
Extensive experience in the PR Department in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.

Valmir Xhemajli
Social entrepreneurship.
Information technology
He has a bachelor degree in business and entrepreneurship and is currently enrolled in master’s program on Managing Information Systems.
He has over 6 years’ experience in information technology, and over 2 years on social innovation and social entrepreneurship. He works in LENS, a non-governmental
organization where he leads the accelerator program for social enterprises.
He has a strong determination on working with the local community and finding
ways for small social enterprises to achieve their positive impact in society.

Branislav Trudić
Youth work. Capacity building and Strategic Development
Work as a coordinator for capacity building and strategic development of Centre for culture and education from Sonta since 2016.
Active in civil society sector for
10 years now, with broad experience in projects and programmes based on
social education, human rights and youth work. Certified programme coordinator
in youth work by National Association of Youth Workers of Serbia (NAPOR) and
human resource manager by Business Academy, Serbia.
President and Co-founder of the organization Urban Regenerative Sustainability
Center, Novi Sad,Serbia.

Dragan Miljković
Social work. Social entrepreneurship. Co-working
Sociologist and a Master of social work. 17 years of experience and activism in civil society. Consultant in the field of social entrepreneurship.
The founder and fundraiser of the Co-working space “Deli” in Niš.

Milan Vračar
Culture and social science innovation. Activism
Milan Vračar is an activist and entrepreneur, involved in many international projects and initiating many innovative initiatives,
mainly in domain of cuture
and social sciences. He collaborated with many institutions such as Austrian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Council of Europe, etc. He was coordinating a
candidacy of Novi Sad for European Cultural Capital.
In 2017th, he became Co-founder of independent Cultural Centre and coworking

Milan Babić
Entrepreneur and Program manager
Young and vary motivated person. Have family business – CEO of Lumber Land Consulting International. He is Co-founder and innovation manager in Leaf Les MS. In same time he is Program coordinator in Deli co-working space.